[:en]Jan Stetzka
Mettestr. 25, 44803 Bochum
Kontakt: info@janstetzka.com
Tel.: 004915783762796

IT-Beratung und technische Betreuung
Martin Stetzka
Sanderweg 3, 44803 Bochum
Kontakt:  info@janstetzka.com
Tel.: 00491721667551

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The publisher provides users with general information about the necessary procedural steps, the required documents and the authorities responsible for the occupational field they have specified. This does not constitute legal advice within the meaning of the Legal Services Act (Rechtsdienstleistungsgesetz). The competent authorities are responsible for the procedure.

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This information on liability and copyright is to be understood to be part of the website which referred to the present site. Should certain parts or phrases of this text not, no longer or not fully comply with the applicable law, the other parts of the document will remain unaffected in terms of content and validity.[:de]Jan Stetzka
Mettestr. 2544803 Bochum
Kontakt: info@janstetzka.com
Tel.: 004915783762796

IT-Beratung und technische Betreuung

Martin Stetzka, Sanderweg 3, 44803 Bochum

Kontakt: Telefon 0049-172-1667551 info@janstetzka.com

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